What’s new in the LIS Publications Wiki?

The LIS Publications Wiki has a new look! But the changes that have come with the conversion from the MediaWiki platform to WordPress Wiki are more than aesthetic. Take a look at some of the new features available in the LIS Publications Wiki:

Footnotes. The new LIS Publications Wiki has introduced footnotes to each entry to document sources and help users cross-reference the information provided. The footnotes are easily created by wiki authors using a footnoting plugin. You cannot believe how excited this footnoting plugin has made me.

Finding aids. The new LIS Publications Wiki has has more features to help you find your way around, including keyword tags for each profile, a search box, and a clearer navigation system. It also includes more links than ever before, connecting authors directly to the information that will help them get published.

Updated information. Each page has been reviewed and updated to provide accurate information.

Modified template. The analysis template for each publication has been modified to make it easier for contributors to add to the site.

Modern design and layout. The new platform has a very updated layout which is easy to look at. It is like doing feng shui for wikis—it will just make you happy to look at it.

Blog. This should make you very excited, because it allows us to give a very current response to current topics and trends. The LIS Publications Wiki blog is definitely something to keep your eye on. This could also be a place for you to share your experiences publishing in the LIS world.

All these new features can be found in the new LIS Publications Wiki, in addition to the traditional wiki features you have already grown to love.


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