Research. Write. Publish.

Please note that this site is no longer being updated—but the wiki’s resources will still be there for you.

By the fall of 2024, the content of the LIS Publications Wiki will have a new home in the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign’s Information Sciences Virtual Library (ISVL). We are grateful to the ISVL team for carrying on this work and continuing to support members of the library and information science community who are sharing ideas and research through their writing. Together we are strengthening the field.

Our sincere thanks, as well, to all who have built, supported, and used this wiki over the years. Your work has made a difference.

Let’s all keep on writing.

Welcome to the Library and Information Science (LIS) Publications Wiki. If you’re part of the LIS world and want to share your knowledge and ideas through your writing, you’ve come to the right place.

This wiki gathers information about publications you can contribute to, whether you want to reach your colleagues or your community. Are you a librarian or information professional, an LIS educator or researcher, or an LIS student looking for the best venue for your professional writing? The wiki can lead you to opportunities you may not have known about. Start your search here.

LIS scholarly journals. These publications for LIS researchers and educators emphasize peer-reviewed, research-oriented content.

LIS professional and trade publications. These news-oriented magazines, association newsletters, and other professional communications venues are generally read by practitioners in the LIS community.

Civilian publications. These publications are read by people beyond the LIS world. While most readers won’t be LIS experts, they may be interested in library topics and affected by information issues.

Book publishers. These book publishers are likely to consider publishing LIS-oriented nonfiction titles.

Works in progress. These publications and publishers have not yet been fully profiled in the wiki, though they’re on our list of things to do. New titles are frequently added to the wiki.