Wiki Tags Archives: Special libraries

Journal of Hospital Librarianship


Publication analysis

About the publication

Title: Journal of Hospital Librarianship

ISSN: 1532-3269 (Print) and 1532-3277 (Online)1


Purpose, objective, or mission: The Journal of Hospital Librarianship “focuses on issues that are of vital interest and concern to hospital librarians.”2

Target audience: This journal is intended for “librarians and information specialists in the field of hospital librarianship.”3

Publisher: Routledge/Taylor and Francis.4

Peer reviewed? Yes5

Type: LIS and health facilities and administration, scholarly6

Medium: Print and online7

Content: According to the publication website, “The journal provides a forum for research strategies and reporting research results and quality improvement projects in hospital library settings, discussions of technological challenges and solutions, and articles on health care administration issues which have implications for hospital librarians such as managed care health care economics, hospital mergers, as well as patient safety and consumer health information.”8

Frequency of publication: Quarterly9

About the publication’s submission guidelines

Location of submission guidelines:

Types of contributions accepted: “Articles published in the Journal focus on research strategies, administrative assistance, managed care, financing, mergers, and more. The Journal also publishes articles and columns related to innovative strategies for transforming the healthcare environment, as well as up-to-date analyses and reviews of new products and services.”10

Submission and review process: Manuscripts are submitted electronically to the editor, Carole M. Gilbert ( “Articles and columns are subject to peer review by the editor, column editors, members of the Editorial Board, and independent, anonymous expert referees. Articles are accepted or rejected based on topic and/or recommendation of peer reviewers.”12

Editorial tone: Scholarly13 The editor is “committed to mentoring first-time authors and encourages hospital librarians of all backgrounds to submit articles to the Journal.”14

Style guide used: “References, citations, and general style of manuscripts should be prepared in accordance with the Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals. Electronic references should be prepared in accordance with the Columbia Guide to Online Style Scientific.”15

Conclusion: Evaluation of publication’s potential for LIS authors

Writers will find that this journal offers an excellent opportunity to publish scholarly articles for a clearly defined field of study. With the strong support of editors who will “mentor new authors to produce a publishable manuscript,”16 this journal provides a forum for even first-time authors. There is great potential for an author to make an impact on the hospital  LIS community through publication in this journal.


Audience analysis

About the publication’s readers

Publication circulation: Circulation statistics are not available, but as this is a publication targeted to a specific LIS community, i.e. hospital librarians, it can be assumed that most hospital library workers would have great interest in its content.

Audience location and language or cultural considerations: This is an American journal that publishes in English only, but many articles are international in scope.17

Reader characteristics: It may be assumed that readers will have a high interest in medical and hospital librarianship. Most will have an MLIS or other advanced degree. Most readers will be employed in hospital libraries, and will consider the articles in this journal to be vital to their professional development. Readers will be interested in anything related to providing health information to both the clinical professional and the lay person.18 However, they may not have much interest in or knowledge of other types of librarianship.

Reader knowledge of LIS subject matter: Most readers will be very knowledgeable of all aspects of hospital librarianship.19

Conclusion: Analysis of reader characteristics and their potential impact on authors

The audience for this journal is highly motivated and knowledgeable of hospital librarianship. For authors with expertise in medical or hospital librarianship, an article published in this journal has the potential for reaching a large portion of their medical librarian peer group. The audience will most likely be interested in discovering information dedicated to their particular corner of the LIS profession. With the promised editorial guidance for new authors, and the guarantee of high interest from the reader, this journal offers real opportunities for the LIS researcher and author.

Last updated: May 15, 2017


Show 19 footnotes

  1.  Journal of Hospital Librarianship
  2. “Aims and Scope,” Taylor and Francis Group, accessed May 17, 2017,
  3. “Instructions for Authors,” Taylor and Francis Group, accessed May 17, 2017,
  4. Journal of Hospital Librarianship, Ulrichsweb Global Serials Directory, accessed May 15, 2017,
  5. Journal of Hospital Librarianship, Ulrichsweb Global Serials Directory, accessed May 15, 2017,
  6. Journal of Hospital Librarianship, Ulrichsweb Global Serials Directory, accessed May 15, 2017,
  7. Journal of Hospital Librarianship, Ulrichsweb Global Serials Directory, accessed May 15, 2017,
  8. “Aims and Scope,” Taylor and Francis Group, accessed May 17, 2017,
  9. Journal of Hospital Librarianship, Ulrichsweb Global Serials Directory, accessed May 15, 2017,
  10. “Instructions for Authors,” Taylor and Francis Group, accessed May 17, 2017,
  11. “Instructions for Authors,” Taylor and Francis Group, accessed May 17, 2017,
  12. “Aims and Scope,” Taylor and Francis Group, accessed May 17, 2017,
  13. Journal of Hospital Librarianship, Ulrichsweb Global Serials Directory, accessed May 15, 2017,
  14. “Instructions for Authors,” Taylor and Francis Group, accessed May 17, 2017,
  15. “Instructions for Authors,” Taylor and Francis Group, accessed May 17, 2017,
  16. “Aims and Scope,” Taylor and Francis Group, accessed May 17, 2017,
  17. “Publication History,” Taylor and Francis Group, accessed May 15, 2017,
  18. “Aims and Scope,” Taylor and Francis Group, accessed May 17, 2017,
  19. “Aims and Scope,” Taylor and Francis Group, accessed May 17, 2017,
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The Journal of Creative Library Practice


Publication analysis

About the publication

Title: The Journal of Creative Library Practice

ISSN: 2330-42271


Purpose, objective, or mission: From the website’€™s About page: “The Journal of Creative Library Practice provides an outlet for librarians and information professionals to €œdescribe and encourage greater creativity in library and information center communications, policies, collections, instruction, and other areas of librarianship€.”2

Target audience: “This journal reaches librarians and information professionals of all types, including academic, public, school, special, medical, legal, and others.” The journal is working to broaden its readership to individuals outside the profession, to anyone interested in creative solutions to LIS issues; or anyone who wants to participate in discussions about creative issues and solutions.3

Publisher: Published as an online blog-format journal by Creative Library Practice4

Peer reviewed? Yes,5 though this blog-style journal also publishes non-peer reviewed content. The refereed articles are distinguished from the blog posts on the site.6

Type: LIS scholarly and professional7

Medium: Online,8 peer-reviewed blogposts9

Content: Posts on creative solutions to LIS issues.10

Frequency of publication: This online journal is updated as frequently as the editors write posts and peer-reviewed articles are accepted.11

About the publication’s submission guidelines

Location of submission guidelines:

Types of contributions accepted: Any article focusing on creative solutions to LIS issues, including communications barriers, technology issues, reviews of relevant books or websites.12

Submission and review process: The website provides a link to email manuscripts in MS-Word .doc, .docx, or RTF format.13

Editorial tone: Editor Joseph Kraus, in a Q&A with Library Journal, stated, “€œWe want to encourage prospective authors to write with less formal rhetoric.”14

Style guide used: References should be provided in a consistent format, whether Chicago, Turabian, MLA, or APA, or author may simply provide links to cited material.15

Conclusion: Evaluation of publication’s potential for LIS authors

The journal’s editors consider the publication to be an open source alternative to the stodgy print publications usually favored by the LIS community. They are a creative group open to all sorts of submissions, so this would be a great place to expand on an LIS student paper or thesis, or write about a creative approach tried at a library-related job, and how it helped the organization.


Audience analysis

About the publication’s readers

Publication circulation: Statistics are not available, but as this journal is also an informal blog there is potential to reach a large audience.

Audience location and language or cultural considerations: The journal is online and the editors are LIS professionals at colleges and universities around the United States.16 The journal is written in American English.17

Reader characteristics: This journal appeals to forward thinking, creative, multidisciplined, against-the-grain LIS professionals seeking to share information with like-minded peers. The journal is written for and by LIS professionals in all possible settings, including academic, public, school, special, medical, and law libraries. It also aims to reach those readers who are interested in libraries but not necessarily working in them, including teachers, parents, students, and businesses.18

The journal was created by LIS professionals who wish to have a truly open access information sharing site that features creative solutions to common problems in information organizations. This is an open minded, nontraditional group that sees the value in current technologies and is working to take advantage of anything that can help the library community achieve its goals. The journal leans toward the informal, so potential authors should keep this in mind while writing for the publication. The goal is to provide articles from a variety of perspectives.19

Knowledge of LIS subject matter: The knowledge level is probably quite high, but as the editors are attempting to appeal to laypeople as well as LIS students and professionals, potential authors should keep the jargon to a minimum and avoid highly technical terms and unusual acronyms.20

Conclusion: Analysis of reader characteristics and their potential impact on authors

The Journal of Creative Library Practice is part of a new LIS journal standard: using open access for peer-reviewed articles under Creative Commons licensing, and providing relatively loose guidelines in terms of content, and even citations.

Last updated: May 14, 2017


Show 20 footnotes

  1.  The Journal of Creative Library Practice, Ulrichsweb Global Serials Directory, accessed April 11, 2018,
  2. “About,” The Journal of Creative Library Practice, accessed May 14, 2017,
  3. “About,” The Journal of Creative Library Practice, accessed May 14, 2017,
  4. “About,” The Journal of Creative Library Practice, accessed May 14, 2017,
  5.  The Journal of Creative Library Practice, Ulrichsweb Global Serials Directory,  accessed May 14, 2017,
  6. “Home,” The Journal of Creative Library Practice, accessed May 14, 2017,
  7.  The Journal of Creative Library Practice, Ulrichsweb Global Serials Directory,  accessed May 14, 2017,
  8.  The Journal of Creative Library Practice, Ulrichsweb Global Serials Directory,  accessed May 14, 2017,
  9. “Home,” The Journal of Creative Library Practice, accessed May 14, 2017,
  10. “About,” The Journal of Creative Library Practice, accessed May 14, 2017,
  11. “Instructions for Authors,” The Journal of Creative Library Practice, accessed May 14, 2017,
  12. “About,” The Journal of Creative Library Practice, accessed May 14, 2017,
  13. “Instructions for Authors,” The Journal of Creative Library Practice, accessed May 14, 2017,
  14. Meredith Schwartz, “Six Questions for Joseph Kraus and a Board of Creative Librarians,” Library Journal Academic Newswire, accessed May 14, 2017,
  15. “Instructions for Authors,” The Journal of Creative Library Practice, accessed May 14, 2017,
  16. “About,” The Journal of Creative Library Practice, accessed May 14, 2017,
  17. The Journal of Creative Library Practice, Ulrichsweb Global Serials Directory,  accessed May 14, 2017,
  18. “About,” The Journal of Creative Library Practice, accessed May 14, 2017,
  19. “About,” The Journal of Creative Library Practice, accessed May 14, 2017,
  20. Meredith Schwartz, “Six Questions for Joseph Kraus and a Board of Creative Librarians,” Library Journal Academic Newswire, accessed May 14, 2017,
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Education Libraries


Publication analysis

About the publication

Title: Education Libraries



Purpose, objective, or mission: “Education Libraries is an electronic, refereed journal of the Special Libraries Association’s (SLA) Education Division.  It offers a forum for new and challenging ideas in education, and library and information science. It also explores the effect of new technologies on the library profession and library and information curriculum.”1

Target audience: The target audience is the membership of the Special Libraries Association, which includes those employed at “a variety of venues, including special libraries and information centers, academic libraries, public libraries, and school libraries.”2

Publisher: Special Libraries Association, Education Division3

Peer reviewed? Yes4

Type: LIS and Education; scholarly5

Medium: Online, open access since 20156

Content: Education Libraries publishes scholarly articles, book reviews, member profiles, and case studies.7 Recent feature articles include faculty-librarian collaboration, 3-D printing in education libraries, collection development, and school library advocacy.8

Frequency of publication: Biannually9

About the publication’s submission guidelines

Location of submission guidelines

Types of contributions accepted: Education Libraries accepts “research studies, descriptive narratives, or other thoughtful considerations of topics of interest to the education information professional. Manuscripts focusing on issues relevant to more general concerns either in the field of education or in the field of library and information science are also welcome provided they include a significant component specifically germane to education, libraries and librarianship.”10

Submission and review process: Authors submitting manuscripts are required to register using a link provided on the publication website.11 All submissions will be considered for publication and are subject to the double-blind peer review process. Inquiries about particular manuscripts may be sent via email to the editor. See the publication website for details.12

Editorial tone: Scholarly13

Style guide used: Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (APA) style manual, most recent edition14

Conclusion: Evaluation of publication’s potential for LIS authors

Education Libraries presents an interesting opportunity for LIS writers from different types of libraries to discuss and share information that is related to education. This journal is well established, which means writers can be assured that they are submitting their work to a credible source and contributing to the scholarly conversation.

The journal is indexed in Education Libraries is indexed in ERIC, EBSCOhost’s Education Collection, and Library Literature.15

Audience analysis

About the publication’s readers

Publication circulation: According to the SLA’s website there are more than 9,000 association members based in more than 75 countries.16 Information about exactly how many are a part of the Education Division is not available.

Audience location and language or cultural considerations: Just as members of the Special Libraries Association are located around the world, the readers of Education Libraries are also international.17 Because this is an international publication, differences in language and cultural practice should be considered.

Reader characteristics: It is safe to assume the readers of this publication are interested in academic libraries and their role in education. Due to the professional focus of this publication the readership is largely comprised of individuals already working in academic libraries with considerable experience in the field. The readers of this publication are likely to value education and research. They are likely to be interested in learning about new technologies as well as in innovative teaching methods. Recent articles demonstrate a general acceptance of new technologies and changes in librarianship.18

Knowledge of LIS subject matter: It is likely that, as library employees, a  majority of readers are very familiar with LIS subject matter. Additionally, we can assume that the readers are familiar with new information technologies issues as well as issues surrounding the growth of digital content in library collections.19

Conclusion: Analysis of reader characteristics and their potential impact on authors

The most important characteristic of the Education Libraries audience is its interest in education and technology related to instruction and learning. Authors must keep in mind the fact that this journal is scholarly, and the widest audience is those who work in higher education libraries, therefore well researched studies are particularly important. Potential contributors writing book or technology reviews as well as opinion pieces may want to relate their subject back to its value to learning in order to appeal to the audience.

Last updated: April 13, 2017


Show 19 footnotes

  1. “Focus and Scope,” Special Libraries Association/Education Division, accessed April 13, 2017,
  2. “Author Guidelines,” Special Libraries Association/Education Division, accessed April 13, 2017,
  3.  “Journal Sponsorship,” Special Libraries Association/Education Division, accessed April 13, 2017,
  4.  “Peer Review Process,” Special Libraries Association/Education Division, accessed April 13, 2017,
  5. “Focus and Scope,” Special Libraries Association/Education Division, accessed April 13, 2017,
  6. “Archives,” Special Libraries Association/Education Division, accessed April 13, 2017,
  7. “Section Policies,” Special Libraries Association/Education Division, accessed April 13, 2017,
  8.  “Archives,” Special Libraries Association/Education Division, accessed April 13, 2017,
  9. “Publication Frequency,” Special Libraries Association/Education Division, accessed April 13, 2017,
  10. “Author Guidelines,” Special Libraries Association/Education Division, accessed April 13, 2017,
  11. “Online Submissions,” Special Libraries Association/Education Division, accessed April 13, 2017,
  12. “Author Guidelines,” Special Libraries Association/Education Division, accessed April 13, 2017,
  13. “Focus and Scope,” Special Libraries Association/Education Division, accessed April 13, 2017,
  14. “Submission Preparation Checklist,” Special Libraries Association/Education Division, accessed April 13, 2017,
  15. “Focus and Scope,” Special Libraries Association/Education Division, accessed April 13, 2017,
  16. “About SLA,” Special Libraries Association, accessed April 13, 2017,
  17. “About SLA,” Special Libraries Association, accessed April 13, 2017,
  18. “Archives,” Special Libraries Association/Education Division, accessed April 13, 2017,
  19.  “Author Guidelines, Special Libraries Association/Education Division, accessed April 13, 2017,
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Government Information Quarterly


Publication analysis

About the publication

Title: Government Information Quarterly

ISSN: 0740-624X (Print) and 1872-9517 (Online)1


Purpose, objective, or mission:Government Information Quarterly is an international journal that examines the intersection of policy, information technology, government, and the public.”2

Target audience: This is a cross-disciplinary journal, seeking submissions from disciplines including information science, public policy, public administration, political science, business, law, geography, information systems, communications, economics, sociology, computer science, and public health. Its purpose is to examine how policy, information technology, government and the public intersect. Articles of the most interest would be those concerning government policies on electronic resources and data.3

Publisher: Elsevier Ltd.4

Peer reviewed? Yes5

Type: Public Administration and LIS, scholarly6

Medium: Print and online7

Content: Government Information Quarterly has its focus on how “policies affect government information flows and the availability of government information; the use of technology to create and provide innovative government services; the impact of information technology on the relationship between the governed and those governing; and the increasing significance of information policies and information technology in relation to democratic practices.”8 The Quarterly includes original research, analytic essays, editorials, teaching cases, and case studies.9

Frequency of publication: Quarterly10

About the publication’s submission guidelines

Location of submission guidelines: This information is also available at this site as pdf download titled “Author Information Pack.” There are informative webcasts with advice for prospective authors at

Types of contributions accepted: Per the guidelines, submissions that “include original research papers that are theory-driven research; papers that combine theory & practice; reviews & review essays, editorials, teaching cases and case studies”11 are encouraged. This is an international journal so contributions from all parts of the world are welcome; however, papers must be in either American or British English, with spelling consistent. This publication accepts new and revised manuscripts that have not been previously published and does not allow simultaneous submissions. Typical manuscripts are 25-30 pages in length, double-spaced.12

Submission and review process: The submission guidelines are extensive, beginning with a section covering topics such as ethics, copyright, conflict of interest, and the roles of funding sources. All submissions are made electronically online through the publisher’s website. The guidelines detail the expectations of article structure and there is a submission checklist.13

Articles are subject to a double-blind review process, performed by the editorial board and other peer reviewers. “The criterion for acceptance is appropriateness to the field, taking into account the merit of content and presentation.”14 Through the publisher’s online submission process authors are able to track their submission.

Editorial tone: This is a scholarly journal based on theory-driven research and submissions should follow research paper tone and format. The articles tend to take a clear, but formal tone. The writing is scholarly, well organized, and not overly wordy.15

Style guide used: Publication Manual for the American Psychological Association (APA), 6th edition.16

Conclusion: Evaluation of publication’s potential for LIS authors

This scholarly journal is a good choice for information professionals interested in publishing research and analysis of government electronic information trends and best practices. They appear to be most interested in practical application and results of information policy, making it a good choice for action research publications. It would be suitable for professors attempting to build up publication credits for tenure, or graduate students interested in being published for the first time.

Journal metrics: Source Normalized Impact per Paper (SNIP): 2.384; SCImago Journal Rank (SJR): 1.049; Impact Factor: 1.910; 5-Year Impact Impact Factor: 2.263.17


Audience analysis

About the publication’s readers

Publication circulation: Unknown; not listed on their website or, and unavailable from publisher. It is likely that many people have access to this periodical through ScienceDirect, and that most, if not all, government libraries and information technology departments subscribe or access this publication online.18

Audience location and language or cultural considerations: Though main audience is within the United States and is national in scope,19 this journal publishes articles on worldwide topics. For example past articles included: “Restructuring Taiwan’s Port State Control Inspection Authority,” and “Modernizing Bangladesh Public Administration Through e-Governance: Benefits and Challenges.”20 Government Information Quarterly is published in English,21 and the article submission guidelines indicate that they use common American or British spelling and grammar.22 The editorial board is international, with members in a variety of countries but mostly represented by the United States.23

Reader characteristics: Reader profiles were not available; however, it appears that this journal is aimed at government and library professionals, public administration professionals, and government information architects. The journal’s target audience includes government officials and policy makers, scientists, journalists, lawyers, researchers, teachers and scholars, students, and librarians. Articles would be of the most interest to those helping to steer government policy toward electronic resources and data.24

The editorial board is a mix of communications, information technology, law, library, and information sciences faculty as well as librarians and government officials.25 The heavy presence of faculty indicates that the journal veers toward more scholarly writing over applied theory (or “how-to” articles). The job titles of the board also tend to indicate they will favor articles on technology’s use in government services. A review of the articles published shows this to be true.26

No demographic information on the readers is available at this time, but it would appear from the selection of articles published that the subscribers would be in similar professional positions to the editors.27 This journal would be most useful to people making practical decisions related to public policy and the dissemination of government information or academics in the same areas, but there is a wide enough variety in the articles that law school staff and librarians (especially government documents librarians) would also be interested in the subject matter.28

Knowledge of LIS subject matter: Readers are a cross section of librarians, information professionals, IT workers, lawyers and government officials. Technical jargon should be avoided and even basic LIS principles should be explained when included in an article.29 lists the subject area as “public administration.”30

Conclusion: Analysis of reader characteristics and their potential impact on authors

Although this journal will accept articles on any topic related to government, the most popular (for publication, and for downloading once published) are on e-government and ways to use technology to further government services. There is room for other articles (for instance, “Standardized American Indians: The “€œNames of Indian tribes and bands”€ list from the Office of Indian Affairs “), but articles combining government services and information technology will be most well received. Information delivery topics, tailored to a government audience, would also be very well received.31

As noted above, subscribers would be reading this publication to keep abreast of current developments in the field of government information, and most articles of interest would deal with how to distribute such information effectively. The readers are primarily academics or government decision-makers. Authors should keep in mind that though scholarly in nature, the core of each article should deal with a practical problem, and offer solutions or at least a detailed analysis of the issue.

Last updated: April 26, 2017


Show 31 footnotes

  1.  Government Information Quarterly, Ulrichsweb Global Serials Directory, accessed April 11, 2018,
  2. Government Information Quarterly, Elsevier B.V., accessed April 26, 2017,
  3. Government Information Quarterly, Elsevier B.V., accessed April 26, 2017,
  4. Government Information Quarterly, Ulrichsweb Global Serials Directory, accessed April 26, 2017,
  5. Government Information Quarterly, Ulrichsweb Global Serials Directory, accessed April 26, 2017,
  6. Government Information Quarterly, Ulrichsweb Global Serials Directory, accessed April 26, 2017,
  7. Government Information Quarterly, Elsevier B.V., accessed April 26, 2017,
  8. Government Information Quarterly, Elsevier B.V., accessed April 26, 2017,
  9. Government Information Quarterly, Elsevier B.V., accessed April 26, 2017,
  10. Government Information Quarterly, Ulrichsweb Global Serials Directory, accessed April 26, 2017,
  11. Government Information Quarterly, Elsevier B.V., accessed April 26, 2017,
  12.  “Guide for Authors,” Elsevier B.V., accessed April 26, 2017,
  13. “Guide for Authors,” Elsevier B.V., accessed April 26, 2017,
  14. “Guide for Authors,” Elsevier B.V., accessed April 26, 2017,
  15. “Guide for Authors,” Elsevier B.V., accessed April 26, 2017,
  16. “Guide for Authors,” Elsevier B.V., accessed April 26, 2017,
  17. Elsevier B.V. (2014). Government Information Quarterly. Retrieved from
  18. Elsevier B.V. (2014). Government Information Quarterly. Retrieved from
  19. SerialsSolutions. (2014). Government Information Quarterly: an international journal of information technology management, policies, and practices. Ulrichsweb Global Serials Directory. Retrieved from
  20. Elsevier B.V. (2014). Government Information Quarterly. Science Direct. Retrieved from
  21. SerialsSolutions. (2014). Government Information Quarterly: an international journal of information technology management, policies, and practices. Ulrichsweb Global Serials Directory. Retrieved from
  22. Elsevier B.V. (2014). Government Information Quarterly: Guide for Authors. Retrieved from
  23. Elsevier B.V. (2014). Government Information Quarterly Editorial Board. Retrieved from
  24. Elsevier B.V. (2014). Government Information Quarterly. Retrieved from
  25. Elsevier B.V. (2014). Government Information Quarterly Editorial Board. Retrieved from
  26. Elsevier B.V. (2014). Government Information Quarterly. Science Direct. Retrieved from
  27. Elsevier B.V. (2014). Government Information Quarterly. Science Direct. Retrieved from
  28. Elsevier B.V. (2014). Government Information Quarterly. Retrieved from
  29. Elsevier B.V. (2014). Government Information Quarterly. Retrieved from
  30. SerialsSolutions. (2014). Government Information Quarterly: an international journal of information technology management, policies, and practices. Ulrichsweb Global Serials Directory. Retrieved from
  31. Government Information Quarterly, Elsevier B.V., accessed April 26, 2017,
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Information & Culture: A Journal of History


Publication analysis

About the publication

Title: Information & Culture: A Journal of History

The journal has gone through a number of name changes:
2006-2012, Libraries and the Cultural Record 
1987-2006, Libraries and Culture
1973-1987, Journal of Library History
1972-1973, Journal of Library History, Philosophy, and Comparative Librarianship
1966-1972, Journal of Library History1



Purpose, objective, or mission: Per journal website, Information & Culture “. . . publishes high-quality, peer reviewed articles on topics related to the history of information. The journal’s scope has broadened significantly in recent years to encompass the historical study of any topic that would fall under the purview of the modern interdisciplinary schools of information . . . However, the journal honors its (50+ year) heritage by continuing to publish in the areas of library, archival, museum, conservation, and information science history.”2

Target audience: Library historians and other scholars whose interests might relate to the history of information, such as historians of computing, labor, gender, economics, business, and politics; critical theorists, and scholars of cultural studies, science, and technology3

Publisher: University of Texas Press4

Peer reviewed? Yes5

Type: LIS and history, scholarly6

Medium: Print, with online subscriptions available.7

Content: The journal website states, “In keeping with the spirit of information studies, the work is human centered and explores the interactions of people, organizations, and societies with information and technologies. Social and cultural context of information and information technology, viewed from a historical perspective, is at the heart of the journal’s interests.”8

Frequency of publication: Quarterly9

About the publication’s submission guidelines

Location of submission guidelines:

Types of contributions accepted: Research articles10 and book reviews11 and book reviews

Among the content requirements are that an article be primarily historical in nature, take an interpretative, not merely descriptive approach, and have a clearly stated thesis supported by appropriately cited evidence.12

Submission and review process: Manuscripts should be submitted via email, accompanied by a cover sheet and abstract, in MS Word format. Authors are asked to provide the names of at least two potential reviewers.13 Submission includes an initial review by the editor, and, if accepted, a double blind process by at least two outside reviewers.14

Editorial tone: Scholarly15

Style guide used: Chicago Manual of Style, 16th Edition.16

Conclusion: Evaluation of publication’s potential for LIS authors

LIS authors may find that it is a bit more difficult to get articles published in this journal as the acceptance rate is less than half. However, the journal is very prestigious. The editors state that “we do not yet have enough data to make an accurate forecast of acceptance rates. For the period April 2011-March 2012 our acceptance rate was 20.5%. We anticipate that the acceptance rate will stabilize at well below 50 percent of submitted manuscripts.”17


Audience analysis

About the publication’s readers

Publication circulation: Exact submission numbers not available.

Audience location and language or cultural considerations: Readership is worldwide. However, based on the content of the articles, most readers most likely reside in North America, South America, and Europe. In past issues, there were articles about Mexico, France, and the United States as well as a review of a book in German. This indicates the editorial board expects reader interest to be broader than merely North America.18 The journal publishes articles in English,19 but the topics are wide ranging and are not necessarily limited to the English-speaking world.20

Reader characteristics: Readers of this journal are generally scholars and professionals in a variety of fields, but especially history and library science. This publication has a broad base of support in a variety of disciplines. Articles could easily fit under history, literature, art, and political science as well as library science.21 The professional interests of the readers of this publication would be generally academic and scholarly. It might fit those working in all manners of libraries, museums, and archives as well as both faculty and students at academic institutions. The journal strongly follows a particular historiography, that of social and cultural history. In this sense, it is far less likely that one would find an article that is based in political history or in reconstructing grand narratives.22

Knowledge of LIS subject matter: Knowledge of LIS subject matter is very high when it comes to the historical aspects of the profession. Because other academics in other disciplines are actively participating in the creation and use of this journal,  knowledge of current information profession issues might not be as high as it is with other LIS-specific journals.23

Conclusion: Analysis of reader characteristics and their potential impact on authors

Readers of this publication are generally highly educated, scholarly, and professional. Potential authors need to be exact and precise and have expertise in the field. The journal, while overwhelmingly about library science topics, is also very rooted in historical study. The editorial staff and the readers are exacting in their quest for solid scholarship.

Last updated: May 6, 2017


Show 23 footnotes

  1. “About,” University of Texas Press, accessed May 6, 2017,
  2. “Information & Culture,” University of Texas Press, accessed May 6, 2017,
  3. “Information & Culture,” University of Texas Press, accessed May 6, 2017,
  4. Information & Culture, Ulrichsweb Global Serials Directory, accessed May 6, 2017,
  5. Information & Culture, Ulrichsweb Global Serials Directory, accessed May 6, 2017,
  6. Information & Culture, Ulrichsweb Global Serials Directory, accessed May 6, 2017,
  7. Information & Culture, Ulrichsweb Global Serials Directory, accessed May 6, 2017,
  8. “About,” University of Texas Press, accessed May 6, 2017,
  9. Information & Culture, Ulrichsweb Global Serials Directory, accessed May 6, 2017,
  10. “Submissions,” Information and Culture, University of Texas Press, accessed May 6, 2017,
  11. “Book Reviews,” University of Texas Press, accessed May 6, 2017,
  12.  “Submissions,” Information and Culture, University of Texas Press, accessed May 6, 2017,
  13. “Submissions,” Information and Culture, University of Texas Press, accessed May 6, 2017,
  14. “Peer Review Process,” University of Texas Press, accessed May 6, 2017,
  15. Information & Culture, Ulrichsweb Global Serials Directory, accessed May 6, 2017,
  16. “Submissions,” Information and Culture, University of Texas Press, accessed May 6, 2017,
  17.  “Peer Review Process,” University of Texas Press, accessed May 6, 2017,
  18. “Archive,” University of Texas Press, accessed May 6, 2017,
  19. Information & Culture, Ulrichsweb Global Serials Directory, accessed May 6, 2017,
  20. “Archive,” University of Texas Press, accessed May 6, 2017,
  21. “About,” University of Texas Press, accessed May 6, 2017,
  22. “About,” University of Texas Press, accessed May 6, 2017,
  23. “About,” University of Texas Press, accessed May 6, 2017,
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The Recorder

Publication analysis

About the publication

Title: The Recorder



Purpose, objective, or mission: Per their website, “ is the premiere source for trusted and timely legal news and analysis. Subscribers to the site can access stories from across ALM’s national and regional publications, with the opportunity to view news by practice area.” Also,  “ALM, an information and intelligence company, provides customers with critical news, data, analysis, marketing solutions and events to successfully manage the business of business.1

Target audience: Legal professionals, law librarians, and the general public.2

Publisher: ALM Media Properties, LLC.3

Peer reviewed? No.4

Type: Civilian publication for people in the legal industry.

Medium: Online.5

Content: A rich selection of articles curated by ALM’s expert editorial team from across ALM’s national and regional publications, featuring leading voices in the legal field.6

Frequency of publication: Daily.7

About the publication’s submission guidelines

Location of submission guidelines:

Types of contributions accepted: Although most articles are written by professional journalists, the publication does accept letters to the editor and story suggestion ideas. Contact the editor to discuss other types of contributions.

Submission and review process: There are no specific guidelines on the website, but letters to the editor should match the tone of other articles in the publication.

Editorial tone: No tone specified, but articles are written as informational news pieces.

Style guide used: None mentioned.

Conclusion: Evaluation of publication’s potential for LIS authors

This publication is vital to a law library as a resource for the legal community and to keep law librarians updated on new laws and procedures. Law librarians may work daily with the legal professionals who read The Recorder.


Audience analysis

About the publication’s readers

Publication circulation: As of October 2016, The Recorder is only published online.8 Specific publication numbers for The Recorder could not be determined. The publisher, ALM, indicates that across their 20 publications, there are 1.58 million website visitors a month.9

Audience location and language or cultural considerations: Aimed at attorneys and executives in the United States and written in English.10

Reader characteristics: Considering that readership is comprised largely of attorneys and executives, most readers are college-educated professionals.

Knowledge of LIS subject matter: The majority of the readership are lawyers who will have knowledge of law libraries. Issues involving law libraries might be of interest to them, including articles on new publications in a specific field of law.

Conclusion: Analysis of reader characteristics and their potential impact on authors

Due to the level of expertise and understanding, the readers have of the law, LIS authors also need to have a high level of legal knowledge to write for this publication.

Last updated: September 8, 2020


Show 10 footnotes

  1. “About Us,”, accessed September 16, 2018,
  2. About Us.”
  3. About Us.”
  4. About Us.”
  5. About Us.”
  6. About Us.”
  7. About Us.
  8. “The Recorder Expands Daily Digital News Platform,”, accessed September 8, 2020,
  9. “2020 Legal Media Kit,”, accessed September 8, 2020,
  10. About Us.”
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Perspectives on History

Publication analysis

About the publication

Title: Perspectives on History

ISSN: 1940-80481


Purpose, objective, or mission: Perspectives on History is the newsmagazine of the American Historical Association (AHA); it serves as the, “…principal source for news and information about the discipline of history.”2

Publication Tagline: “Perspectives cultivates the community of historians and promotes our work.” 3

“We strive to be a place for historians across the discipline’s broad spectrum to share their ideas and enthusiasm.” 4

Target audience: Members of the AHA; College and university professors, and K–12 teachers of history; historical administrators; editors; museum professionals; publishers; librarians; and students of history. 5

Publisher: American Historical Association.6

Peer reviewed? No.

Type: Civilian. While some members of the AHA might also be information professionals (and many other members will have a strong understanding of the library profession), most members will not be intimately familiar with the LIS profession.

Medium: Print. Online content is also published under Perspectives Daily.

Content: “We offer articles and commentary on research and archives, teaching, digital projects, new books of note, history in the media, public history and museum exhibitions, and more.” 7

Frequency of publication: “Our print edition is published monthly and online during the academic year, with online-only articles in Perspectives Daily updated regularly all year round. A print subscription is available only with AHA membership.” 8

About the publication’s submission guidelines

Location of submission guidelines:

Types of contributions accepted: “We do consider full manuscripts, but we prefer to receive pitches to give us a better understanding of the topic and your viewpoint as an author. Potential writers should familiarize themselves with the sort of articles we publish and the sections in which they fit. If a story is immediately relevant to discussions about current events, please flag it as a possible contribution to Perspectives Daily if you envision it being published quickly.” 9

Perspectives on History and Perspectives Daily welcome articles by historians from all kinds of institutions (including but not limited to colleges and universities, K–12 schools, museums, and archives), at all degree levels, and of all professional ranks. They also accept Letters to the editor, In Memoriam essays, and ‘Everything Has a History’ essays. 10

Submission and review process: “Articles for Perspectives on History should normally be about 1,500 words in length. Perspectives Daily articles are about 800–1,000 words, letters to the editor should be no more than 500 words, In Memoriam essays about 650 words, and Everything Has a History essays about 500 words. 11

“While Perspectives on History does commission articles, it also accepts both completed submissions and proposals. Articles and letters are reviewed by the editorial board, and, in the case of article submissions, the board may make suggestions for revisions.” 12

“To ensure that no errors are inadvertently introduced into the text in the copyediting process, the copyedited version of articles accepted for publication may be sent to authors for final approval (when major revisions are suggested). Since both Perspectives on History and Perspectives Daily run on a tight schedule, the editors typically will ask authors to respond within 24 to 48 hours.” 13

Editorial tone: The submission guidelines state a preference for a journalistic or conversational style. In general, the articles in Perspectives on History are written with a semi-formal tone. Additionally, authors are asked to limit the number of citations in their articles.14

Style guide used:    “We encourage authors of articles to supply a working title for the essay, although the final determination of headlines, captions, pull quotes, and other forms of “display type” are made by the editors. A brief autobiographical description (25-30 words) should be appended at the end of the article, indicating the author’s institutional affiliation (if any), recent major publications, interests, and so on. Spelling—especially of proper names used in drafts—and all factual information (dates, place names, statistical data, and so on) provided should be verified by the author(s) before submission.” 15

The Chicago Manual of Style (17th ed.). For copy-editing, the editors also use Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary (11th ed.) and the most recent edition of MerriamWebster’s Collegiate Dictionary. In general, the editors attempt to make an author’s prose as effective as possible, both in the author’s interest and that of our publications. The editors seek to remove redundancies and errors—if any—in grammar, punctuation, and spelling. Perspectives on History and Perspectives Daily support the use of gender-neutral language in their articles, except when a change in pronoun would lead to a historical inaccuracy.” 16

Letters to the editor should be guided by the AHA’s Statement on Standards of Professional Conduct. 17

Conclusion: Evaluation of publication’s potential for LIS authors

The organization and preservation of information are central to the tasks of both the historian and the LIS professional, and so it is not uncommon for their interests to intersect. Many developments in the Information field would be of interest to historians, especially if those developments were presented specifically for that audience. Such a presentation could generate a significant amount of name recognition if received favorably.

While Perspectives on History is not, strictly speaking, a scholarly publication, it does possess enough prestige that an article printed in it would add weight to a tenure or promotion cause. However, this is not a venue for early-career publishing.


Audience analysis

About the publication’s readers

Population circulation: Nearly 15,000.18

Audience location and language or cultural considerations: AHA members are generally based in the United States, and the magazine is published in English.19 AHA members will be familiar with many of the same research terminologies that librarians use, but they will be completely unfamiliar with much of the jargon of information science. Similarly, historians have their own jargon, and an author writing for a history publication would do well to familiarize themselves with it.

Reader characteristics: “… AHA brings together historians specializing in every period, geographic region, and topic of history. Through its scholarly and professional activities, the AHA represents the broad diversity of the historical enterprise today. More than 60 percent of the Association’s members are professors of history, with the remaining 40 percent consisting of students, teachers, administrators, and publishers in the field.” 20

Knowledge of LIS subject matter: As historians, the members of the AHA will generally have a strong understanding of research and research tools. However, they will not be familiar with aspects of LIS subjects outside those that apply to their discipline.

Conclusion: Analysis of reader characteristics and their potential impact on authors

The historians who comprise the membership of the AHA are, like most faculty, very busy people. It is essential, when writing for them, to show them — in their own terms — how you can save time or make their research easier. Perspectives on History is primarily a newsletter, even though it does publish some research-based articles. A librarian writing for this publication would do well to simplify the presentation of their research, and focus primarily on the practical application of their results.

Last updated: October 19, 2020


Show 20 footnotes

  1.  Perspectives on History, Ulrichsweb Global Serials Directory, accessed March 27, 2018,
  2. “About.”,, accessed September 13, 2018,
  3. “About.”
  4. “Submissions.”,, accessed September 13, 2018,
  5. “Advertising in Perspectives.”,, accessed October 16, 2020,
  6. “About.”
  7. “About.”
  8. “About Us.”
  9. “Submissions.”
  10. “Submissions.”
  11. “Submissions.”
  12. “Guidelines for Articles.”,, accessed October 17, 2020,
  13. “Guidelines for Articles.”
  14. “Guidelines for Articles.”
  15. “Guidelines for Articles.”
  16. “Guidelines for Articles.”
  17. “Submissions.”
  18. “Advertising in Perspectives.”
  19. “Advertising in Perspectives.”
  20. “Advertising in Perspectives.”
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Health and Interprofessional Practice


Publication analysis

About the publication

Title: Health and Interprofessional Practice

ISSN: 2159-12531


Purpose, objective, or mission: From the website: “Health and Interprofessional Practice is a peer-reviewed, open access journal dedicated to increasing the availability of high-quality evidence to inform patient care and practitioner education from an interprofessional perspective.”2

Target audience: HIP is aimed at academics, practitioners and student-practitioners.3

Publisher: Pacific University Libraries4

Peer reviewed? Yes5

Type: Health Facilities and Administration, scholarly6

Medium: Online, open access7

Content: HIP publishes original qualitative and quantitative research, reviews, and educational materials addressing practical challenges and opportunities in the healthcare field. Articles published in the journal have immediate, practical applications.8

Frequency of publication: Quarterly9

About the publication’s submission guidelines

Location of submission guidelines:

Types of contributions accepted: From the submission call: “HIP seeks to publish original research (both quantitative and qualitative), reviews and educational materials that directly address the practical challenges and opportunities of interprofessional care and education. Work published in Health and Interprofessional Practice should have immediate practical application for clinicians and educators who value interprofessional teamwork, evidence-based practice and culturally competent care. Articles that indicate methods of navigating interdisciplinary conflicts/disagreements (e.g. scope of practice issues) in the service of high quality patient care are of particular interest.”10 HIP publishes original theory & research, case-based learning, educational strategies, cross-cultural issues in care, review articles, student experiences, book/EBP resource reviews, and commentaries.11

Submission and review process: All submissions should be original work that has not been submitted to other journals. Authors must obtain written permission from all individuals and institutions mentioned in the acknowledgements. Documents should be in Microsoft Word format, double-spaced and in a 12-point font. Articles can be uploaded digitally through the journal’s online submissions portal; illustrations, figures, tables, and videos should be uploaded separately, not as part of the main document. Manuscripts should not have any identifying information on the main text; submissions should be accompanied by a cover letter describing the value of the manuscript for the body of scholarship and containing all the identifying information of the author. Authors should examine the specific requirements for submissions for each section of the journal.12

Editorial tone: Scholarly and formal13

Style guide used: Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, 6th edition14

Conclusion: Evaluation of publication’s potential for LIS authors

This new publication has potential for LIS professionals in working in medical environments who have evidence-based practices to share with health professions faculty and other medical librarians. This publication seeks submissions about interprofessional teamwork, evidence-based practice, and culturally competent care, each of which the medical librarian is poised to build. According to Isaac Gilman, HIP‘s Managing Editor, “any work that improves interprofessional practice and education,”15 including pieces authored by LIS professionals, is welcomed by HIP.


Audience analysis

About the publication’s readers

Publication circulation: No numbers available, but the journal is open access.16

Audience location and language or cultural considerations: The journal is produced in the US at Pacific University,17 but the editorial board comes from universities across the country.18 Publication is in English,19 but can be seen online anywhere in the world. Authors should be sure to avoid jargon or idiom.

Reader characteristics: Readers have a high degree of interest in medical librarianship. Most will have an MLIS or other advanced degree. Most readers will be employed in medical libraries. Readers will be interested in anything related to providing medical information to a lay audience and new advances in medical librarianship. However, they may not have much interest in or knowledge of other types of librarianship.20

Knowledge of LIS subject matter: Readers will be well-versed in all aspects of medical librarianship.20

Conclusion: Analysis of reader characteristics and their potential impact on authors

Although it is a new publication, Health and Interprofessional Practice is a well-respected place for medical library authors, and may be a good place for new authors to get a start in publishing. With an open access policy, the journal will allow research to go out to a large number of readers.

Last updated: April 26, 2017


Show 21 footnotes

  1.  Health and Interprofessional Practice, Ulrichsweb Global Serials Directory, accessed April 11, 2018,
  2. Health and Interprofessional Practice, Pacific University Libraries, accessed April 26, 2017,
  3. Health and Interprofessional Practice, Pacific University Libraries, accessed April 26, 2017,
  4. Health and Interprofessional Practice, Ulrichsweb Global Serials Directory. accessed April 24, 2017,
  5. Health and Interprofessional Practice, Ulrichsweb Global Serials Directory. accessed April 24, 2017,
  6. Health and Interprofessional Practice, Ulrichsweb Global Serials Directory, accessed April 24, 2017,
  7. Health and Interprofessional Practice, Ulrichsweb Global Serials Directory. accessed April 24, 2017,
  8. “Aims and Scope,” Pacific University Libraries, accessed April 26, 2017,
  9. Health and Interprofessional Practice, Ulrichsweb Global Serials Directory, accessed April 24, 2017,
  10. “Aims and Scope,” Pacific University Libraries, accessed April 26, 2017,
  11. “Aims and Scope,” Pacific University Libraries, accessed April 26, 2017,
  12. “Information for Authors,” Pacific University Libraries, accessed April 26, 2017,
  13. Health and Interprofessional Practice, Ulrichsweb Global Serials Directory, accessed April 24, 2017,
  14. “Information for Authors,” Pacific University Libraries, accessed April 26, 2017,
  15. I. Gilman, personal communication, 25 March 2011
  16. Health and Interprofessional Practice, Pacific University Libraries, accessed April 26, 2017,
  17. Health and Interprofessional Practice, Ulrichsweb Global Serials Directory, accessed April 24, 2017,
  18. “Editorial Board,” Pacific University Libraries, accessed April 26, 2017,
  19. Health and Interprofessional Practice, Ulrichsweb Global Serials Directory, accessed April 24, 2017,
  20. Health and Interprofessional Practice, Pacific University Libraries, accessed April 26, 2017,
  21. Health and Interprofessional Practice, Pacific University Libraries, accessed April 26, 2017,
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