Associates: The Electronic Library Support Staff Journal

Publication Profiles > LIS Professional and Trade Publications > Associates: The Electronic Library Support Staff Journal

Publication analysis

About the publication

Title: Associates: The Electronic Library Support Staff Journal

ISSN: 1077-66131


Purpose, objective, or mission: Provides a voice for and promotes the exchange of information within the library support staff community.2

Target audience: The primary audience is support staff at all libraries including public, special, academic, and school. The journal is online and subscriptions are free.3

Publisher: University of California Riverside Library.4

Server and listservs are housed at the University of California, Riverside, and the website is powered through WordPress.5

Peer reviewed? No.6

Type: Professional newsletter.7

Medium: Online.8

Content: Topics range from how-to articles, opinion pieces, conference information, resource updates, fiction, conference updates, and research articles.9

Frequency of publication: Published three times per year, in March, July, and November.10

About the publication’s submission guidelines

Location of submission guidelines:

Types of contributions accepted: The newsletter discusses issues and developments related to the work of library support staff. Topics might include cataloging, collection management, public relations, technology, and personnel issues. Priority consideration will be given to submissions written by library support staff. The submission guidelines provide a list of topics for feature article consideration.11

Submission and review process: Articles of any length are accepted, however, the guidelines are: no longer than 10 double-spaced typed pages for features; four double-spaced typed pages for fiction; and one double-spaced typed page for poetry. Submissions are reviewed by a member of the Editorial Board. “Significantly edited versions will be returned to the authors for discussion or approval. However, most editing is done for punctuation, grammar and for establishing clarity.”12

Items can be submitted any time prior to the publication months and should be submitted to the editor, Kevin Dudeney, at:

Editorial tone: Items that are written from or focused on a support staff point of view are preferred.14 A review of previous issues indicated that a personal style is common.15

Style guide used: There are no specific style guidelines given, but the editors state that “all submissions must be written in a professional manner, with citations for researched material provided.”16

Conclusion: Evaluation of publication’s potential for LIS authors

Since most LIS students have worked or are working in support staff positions, this publication may be a good place to get started writing for the field. While it is not a scholarly journal, it would allow an author to demonstrate their understanding of a staff position other than a librarian.


Audience analysis

About the publication’s readers

Publication circulation: Currently 1,700 worldwide subscribers.17 Subscription to Associates is free, and all issues are available free online which suggests they may have an audience beyond their subscribers.18

Audience location and language or cultural considerations: This publication originates in the United States however they claim to have “1,700 worldwide subscribers”, indicating an international audience.19 It is an English language publication.20 Due to international audience, avoid regionalisms and any references, for example, currency or location, are clear to the reader.

Reader characteristics: Audience, as support staff in all types of libraries, most likely reflects the general public, all ages and backgrounds, with an interest in connecting with other support staff and improving their job skills. Publication values the work of support staff and aims to promote the value of library support staff.21

Knowledge of LIS subject matter: As library support staff, the readers can be expected to have the background and education to understand topics and terminology used in work accepted by this publication.22

Conclusion: Analysis of reader characteristics and their potential impact on authors

Authors submitting work to this publication would benefit from reading the current and past issues to gain a clear understanding of their audience. It seems a cooperative approach, emphasizing the value of all team members in a library, would be useful.

Last updated: April 6, 2020


Show 22 footnotes

  1.  Associates: The Electronic Library Support Staff Journal, University of California Riverside Library, accessed April 6, 2020
  2. University of California Riverside Library. (2020). About Associates. Retrieved from
  3. University of California Riverside Library. (2020). About Associates. Retrieved from
  4. ProQuest. (2020). Associates: The Electronic Library Support Staff Journal. Ulrichsweb Global Serials Directory. Retrieved from
  5. University of California Riverside Library. (2020). About Associates. Retrieved from
  6. ProQuest. (2020). Associates: The Electronic Library Support Staff Journal. Ulrichsweb Global Serials Directory. Retrieved from
  7. ProQuest. (2020). Associates: The Electronic Library Support Staff Journal. Ulrichsweb Global Serials Directory. Retrieved from
  8. ProQuest. (2020). Associates: The Electronic Library Support Staff Journal. Ulrichsweb Global Serials Directory. Retrieved from
  9. University of California Riverside Library. (2020). About Associates. Retrieved from
  10. University of California Riverside Library. (2020). About Associates. Retrieved from
  11. University of California Riverside Library. (2020). Submission Guidelines. Retrieved from
  12. University of California Riverside Library. (2020). Submission Guidelines. Retrieved from
  13. University of California Riverside Library. (2020). Submission Guidelines. Retrieved from
  14. University of California Riverside Library. (2020). Submission Guidelines. Retrieved from
  15. University of California Riverside Library. (2020). Archives and Back Issues. Retrieved from
  16. University of California Riverside Library. (2020). Submission Guidelines. Retrieved from
  17. University of California Riverside Library. (2020). About Associates. Retrieved from
  18. University of California Riverside Library. (2020). About Associates. Retrieved from
  19. University of California Riverside Library. (2020). About Associates. Retrieved from
  20. University of California Riverside Library. (2020). About Associates. Retrieved from
  21. University of California Riverside Library. (2020). About Associates. Retrieved from
  22. University of California Riverside Library. (2020). About Associates. Retrieved from
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